Sunday, 20 December 2009

Shortest ride ever

Ride 14 of 100

heavy snowfall on top of freezing rain, it was pretty bloody obvious really

200 yards in, right turn, bang, off, right knee and elbow

700 yards in, slight incline to the left, bang, off, left knee and elbow

1 mile, dog walker, bang, down, took a while to get up, trying to conceal my laughter

1.1 mile, straight line, frozen puddle, front wheel fine, back wheel popped through the ice and slid out, right knee and hip

time to play the card, slowly pedaling home, watched in amazement as a car slid straight into the back of a parked car, couldn't, didn't dare stop

home, safe, slipped on the pavement, inside, wet, sore and laughing.


  1. Nice one Steve. Just back from 2.5 hours out around rivi on the 'cross bike. Total whiteout and thunderstorm on top of winter hill was a bit scary. Lots of crashes. Some very sore ribs. Ace to be riding again.

  2. Well done Steve. Keep it up. I'm wondering if anyone makes studded tyres for cross bikes :)
